giovedì 12 maggio 2011

Jersey jerky

Took a look while zapping from one channel to another, at Jersey Shore.
Are those kids for real????????????
I was stunned at what I saw. I get sick just to mention this show.
I ask you, please explain what is the purpose of such a programm.
Not that realities have a purpose.
This show irritates me, the girls are too loud, too much hair, sweattish, vulgar, groose, with no self-esteem, drunk their way from party to party, and give themselves away far too often to anyone within a foot range.
They are and have too much of everything.!!
What about the boys?? Should they be a role model to young viewers??
They are too greasy, too oily, too tanned, too muscled, and again too much!"!!!!

I am Italian, and please believe me those guys and girls do not represent Italian youth.
Why are they called Guido??
Guido in Italy is just a name, and an old fashione one.
You will never see a guy wearing tank tops in Italy
these pseudo-italians probably have only the names.
I cannot believe they earn around $20,00 an episode.
Please explain why and what is the purpose of this show.
We really have touched bottom line.

Vorrei tanto che mi si spiegasse il motivo di esistere del programma americano Jersey Shore trasmesso da MTV.
Non ho mai visto tanta volgarità, tamarri, ragazze prive di ogni senso del pudore, sudaticce nelle loro capigliature esagerate, chiassose, volgari, sbracate, ubriache e sfatte da troppe ore trascorse in discoteca.
Ragazzi italo-americani che in gergo chiamano Giudo, una volta si diceva Waps.
Raramente mi è capitato di vedere ragazzi così brutti, sudati, ingellati e cretini.
Eppure so che guadagnano circa $20,00 a puntata
Mi domando, ci sono o ci fanno??????
Il solo fatto di parlare di loro mi irrita, ma vorrei tanto sapere cosa ci si aspetta guardando quel programma.
Fatemelo sapere, io ci ho rinunciato!!!!

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