lunedì 30 agosto 2010

Le freak so chic

Hair Freak

that's what I am !!!!!!!

Have always had a kind of weak point when it had to do with my hair. Always gave my hair "the queen treatment".
Since I could remember, I have never bought a hair product out from a department or grocery shop. You know, those shampoos that make tons of suds. When a teenager and had some money, went out to buy a good expensive shampoo and hair mask at specialized shops. Products that were unknown to most of people.

This is an aspect I have never lost, it only enhanced.
If I look in a magazine, my eyes could spot (what to others is not so important) a new hair line of products made from the aborigines of Australia, or with a special Austrian spring water. I believe that your hair is like your business card, it is the first impression, along healthy teeth and so on......
Two years ago I bought from an Austrian firm their complete line of hair products, very good, the only remark I have to make, unfortunately their information on the package were not in english.

I am so very attracted to hair products like someone else is to a facial cream.

Speaking to friends, I often realize that they don't know nothing when it comes to hair serums, thermo protectors and other terms that to me are fundamentals.

When I mention good hair, I don't mean that good, "Mad Men" look, but a healthy, non frizz, and sleek-shiny look.

The market now days offers a rich variety of hair products for a " good do it yourself home treatments".

I also came across "what is know" as the most expensive shampoo in the world. With its price you could do grocery shopping for one week.
I only got samples but have been keeping them for "that special occasion" and have not used them yet.
When I will try them, I will let you know my opinion.
My cabinet is filled with the best brands you could find, something to make a hairstylist turn green.

Also my attention is focused when it comes to choose my hairstylist. I go upon my intuition. The first eye is mostly the right one.
To me, a good stylist has to have reliable hands, not limpy. I want to feel his/hers grip when they handle my hair.
Also when I say "cut one inch" they have to cut 1/2 and inch..... and not go wild with the scissors like they often do.
If they do, it is GOODBYE, and a bad review.
I never forget and forgive when it comes to bad hairstylists.
I must come out from the salon being able to walk around without looking like someone else.

I have been watching on cable "Jersey Girls", a sort of reality based on a group of gross looking hair stylers and make up artists working in a hair salon in New Jersey. I get great kicks out of them. It would drive me crazy to have my hair done in such a situation. But the show is fun.

Enough is enough, got to run now, have to do a hair mask............

Are you a hair freak member ?????


Holidays for most of us are over.
I hope you had good, precious time with family, friends and loved ones.
Opportunities to meet old friends and make new ones.
Hope you have gotten over any travelling inconveniences, like cancelled trains, flight delays.
Now it's time to get back to our chores, our work, our habits.

I don't know about you, but when the end of my holidays gets closer, I sort of make an "after the holiday resolution" . I come up with new things to do, improvements in my life, stimulating and interesting changes in my career.

It's time to move on and to look ahead for the many interesting events happening in the coming months, but don't store your luggage too far, keep it handy, you never know !!!!!!

We must never be cought unprepared.

Per le più di noi, le vacanze sono finite.
Spero abbiate trascorso del tempo prezioso con familiari, amici e persone a voi care.
Opportunità di rivedere vecchi amici e farne di nuovi.
Dimenticate inconvenienti dovuti a ritardi di treni, voli cancellati e quant'altro.
Ora pensiamo a riprenderci le nostre abitudini con qualche modifica.

Io non so voi, ma con l'avvicinarsi della fine delle mie vacanze, incomincio a pensare a nuovi progetti da apportare alla mia vita e carriera.

E' ora di guardare avanti alle tante novità che ci aspettano nei prossimi mesi, ma non imboscate in sgabuzzini troppo colmi, o scaffali troppo alti le vostre valige o borse di viaggio, tenetele a portata di mano, non si sa mai !!!!

Non dobbiamo mai essere colte di sorpresa.

giovedì 5 agosto 2010

Happy Holidays

Dear friends,

the time has come to turn off the computer. Ready to pack and take some time off.
Off course I will be connected from time to time, maybe on rainy days (hope there will be none).
I wish all of you, very happy holidays to spend with family, friends or as you like!
Enjoy these moments of relaxation.
I am looking forward to getting back in touch with you in a few weeks. I plan for us new and interesting topics. Hot lists, confrontations and to share our considerations.

Happy Holidays to everyone.

.................................monitor going to sleep...................................

Cari amici,

è arrivato il momento di spegnere il computer. E' ora di fare le valigie.
Sicuramente porterò il mio PC e lo accenderò solo nei giorni di pioggia (spero che non ce ne saranno).
Voglio auguravi buone vacanze, da trascorrere in famiglia, con amici o come meglio desideriate!
Godetevi questi momenti di spensieratezza.
Vi aspetto al rientro, per poter continuare questo scambio di riflessioni.
Ho in mente tante cose interessanti, che ci permetteranno di confrontarci e conoscerci meglio.

Buone Vacanze a tutti.

.............................monitor going to sleep.........................................

lunedì 2 agosto 2010

I'm a Recessionista Chic

It's contagious!!!! In the past years, bargain hunting has become a sort of need or fun for others. It often happens that with designers clothes or accessories, you squeeze in a "bargain".
What I have done today is a challange. I like to visit vintage shops, and my eye wonders quickly from row to row, spotting that special something.

What I have done in the picture is a medley of a put together of my latest purchases in one of my favourite vintage shop. The whole put together is within 50,00 Euro.

This recession also gives us the opportunity to mix and match, using our creativity and individuality, making us unique and stand out from the crowd.

In time of crisis fashion bloggers show that you can have style at any time.

My daughter also took the challenge. The dress is from Zara basic, bought during summer sales (2009) cost 25 Euro, fetish sandals from UK E-Bay, accessory flower bought in Portobello market in London. In total within 50,00 Euro
Doesn't she look GREAT. Ready for a summer ball in Saint Tropez.

Facebook.....I'm here!!!!!!

This is my fan page in Facebook,
please, SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks and have a wondeful summer!!!!!!

I had a dream......

I would like to borrow only for a few lines this worldwide famous phrase that made history.
My intent is not as highly motivated as the original, but still it has to do with dreams, fulfillments, goals.
It comes a time in our life when we look back and we make a sort of inventory of what we are.
Have we fullfilled all our dreams, did we work in the right direction for them to happen??
Are we what we had planned from the start?? Did we make enough effort for our dreams to come true?? What would have happened if instead of entering the left door we would have taken the right door?? The consolatory part, is that it is never too late........ At different phases of our life, there are new challanges, new inspirations, new curiosity to look at what we can do to make our life more rewarding. Some of us take up some new university course, others apply for volunteer work in some far away kibbuz, others make special jams for their dear ones.
Small or big, we all have our dreams, our ambitions. What would life be without them.
We are what we are, but always evolving, like a sunflower who leans toward the sun for its rays.
I had a dream..... and still do..........

Vorrei poter fare mia, anche se solo per poco, la famosa frase conosciuta in tutto il mondo.
Il mio intento non è così nobile, ma ha comunque a che fare con i sogni, con i nostri obbiettivi.
Arriva un momento nella nostra vita, che guardandoci indietro tracciamo un inventario di quello che abbiamo realizzato. Abbiamo raggiunto i nostri obbiettivi?? Quali sono state le occasioni mancate?? Cosa sarebbe successo se invece di entrare nella porta di destra, avessimo preso quella di sinistra??? E' consolante sapere che non è mai troppo tardi. In diverse fasi della nostra vita affrontiamo nuove sfide, nuove ispirazioni, nuovi stimoli per regalarci nuove avventure.
Alcune di noi si iscrivono a corsi di filosofia, a nuovi corsi universitari, alcune di noi si arruolano in corpi volontari, altre producono quantità industriale di marmellate per i loro cari.
Tutti abbiamo i nostri sogni, grandi o piccoli che siano, le nostre ambizioni. Cosa saremmo senza di loro. Siamo quello che siamo, ma sempre in evoluzione, siamo girasoli rivolti verso il sole per catturare i suoi raggi.
Io avevo un sogno........ e continuo ad averlo.....

KIKO: Sun Mousse Eyeshadow

Appena sono usciti questi ombretti in mousse della KIKO non ho potuto resistere e li ho comprati tutti immediatamente, li ho pagati 6,90 Euro, ma ora si trovano in saldo a 5,50 euro perchè è la collezione estiva.
Avendo aperto da poco il blog non ho mai scritto nulla su di loro, ma vale proprio la pena spendere due parole per descriverli.
Intanto tutti i colori sono stupendi, brillano ed illuminano lo sguardo, soprattutto se si è abbronzate, durano tutta la giornata, sono pure water-resistant, ho fatto il bagno in piscina e sono uscita dall'acqua senza neppure una sbavatura!!!!! Trucco perfetto!!!!!
Si presentano come una crema, sono morbidissimi da stendere sulla palpebra, e ne basta proprio una puntina perchè sono molto pigmentati. Io personalmente li ADORO!!!!!

Si possono acquistare in tutti i punti vendita KIKO, oppure direttamente dal sito:

Ecco cosa dice KIKO riguardo a questi ombretti:

Ombretto illuminante in mousse con performance water-resistant.
Una texture cremosa ma leggera, che aderisce con naturalezza alla palpebra per un risultato cromatico pieno e luminoso.
La sua formula arricchita con polimeri filmanti crea un velo di colore sottile "impermeabile" all'acqua e resistente alla alte temperature.
L'impiego di speciale polveri sferiche assicura inoltre la massima scorrevolezza e sfumabilità, oltre ad una sensazione "ariosa" sulle palpebre estremamente confortevole.
Arricchito con vitamina E, dalle proprietà antiossidanti, privo di oli e profumi, Sun Mousse Eyeshadow è delicato sulla pelle.

Disponibile in 6 colori da metalizzati ad accesi, in perfetta armonia con l'abbronzatura.

Sono disponibili in 6 colori:

01- Beige Dorè
02- Violet
03- Bronze
04- Light Green
05- Sea Green
06- Black (dove all'interno ci sono dei glitterini argentati)